“An NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a special token representing a unique ID that cannot be replicated; they are used to create verified digital ownership and are used in applications that offer Crypto Art, Crypto Gaming, Crypto Collectibles & more. The NFT is tokenized or minted which means it is put onto something called a Blockchain, a Blockchain is a permanent ledger that is accessible on computers globally.”


Encoded in rivers of math.

Fully transparent yet mnemonically safe.

Electrical connected frequencies

Cave painting inscribed in eyes of many.


What is an NFT?

An NFT (Non-Fungible Token), is a digitized unique code of authenticity, which is minted (put on the blockchain) where it will permanently be stored and accessible. 

Why is it Valuable?

NFTs are used to verify digital ownership, thus giving the “original” owner value, and may be used in all things Crypto: art, music, games, collectibles.

The value is in owning the original, and just like anyone can own a print or poster of a famous Claude Monet painting, only one person can own the original painting, with the certificate of authenticity.

Why are NFTs cool?

NFTs are building upon a newish wave of technology that is going to shape and change the future of our lives, our sovereignty and our financial system.

NFTs are giving the power back to the creators- the artists, the musicians, etc.

It is a way for ANY artist to share their work and be seen.


Where to find my NFTS?




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